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***Tonight's game will be held at 9PM EST***

Thursday, October 2nd





We will be holding Auctions and Contest Giveaways through the week, I will update this board with times as soon as a schedule is prepared.


I will begin by listing the sellers that have stepped forward and what they are putting up for auction, times TBD.

A New Golden Dawn - PORTAL ORBS (This is a brand new item that is just getting listed for the first time TODAY in her store)!

A New Golden Dawn

Jules Magick Moon Offerings - Djinn Offering Kit (includes communication oil, offering, charging stones, charging bag, & pouch frankincense communication incense) and a pendulum!

Jules Magick Moon Offerings


Jinnandtonics JAT - A Chuveil custom conjure starter kit (includes: chuveil vessel, chuveil charging base, chuveil comchart pendulum board, & crystal pendulum). And $100 Gift Certificate.


Paxius Dominus - MASTER Gris Gris Bag with TRIPLE the bindings!!! He is also donating a very generous 50% of his store's profits

The House of Shadows

Aeryn K Angel is donating a copy of the Herbalist from 1934, and a Homeopathic book from 1866... The listing will include the pictures (which I have seen, and OMGGGGGGawds).... just added a cookbook from 1860 called "The Virginia Housewife: or, Methodical Cook"

Kayla & Kyle - The Wolves Den Magick Shop - A Soul Painting and a Spirit/Entity Sketch and 2 spirit friends, a Warg and a Ketta

The Wolves Den Magick Shop

Siput Badu - Beautiful Handmade earrings

Siput Batu

Gabey Momo - Magick Eyes - I had to have the first bid

The Lightworker's Sphere

Huff - His infamous orbs - your choice of colors!!!

4bluefairies - Gorgeous Artwork (will be creating a separate page there are so many lovely art listings

Kelistarian - Alpha & Beta Servitors, Spirits

Dark Desires

Morgana - Tarot readings (full Celtic cross), Crystals, and spelled items

Kelsey Cohrs - Beautiful fantasy pencil portraits and messages from the ghost and spirits deck

Syri - Jewelry/crafts - Shock and Awe

Blaze Tiger Nahti - Hypnosis, MindTrips, "Magick" Gemstones, and Elemental Pendants (that wont be released to anyone else outside of this till the week before Halloween)

Blaze Tiger Nahti

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